


姓名:周颖惠                              出生年月:1990-09

学历:博士研究生                          学位:工学博士




2016.3~2022.3      西北工业大学          材料加工工程          博士

2013.9~2016.1        天津大学               材料学             硕士

2009.9~2013.6     石家庄铁道大学          金属材料工程          学士



2022.4-至今       太阳成集团tyc151cc           讲师硕士研究生指导老师













1. 中国博士后科学基金第73批面上资助(2023MD734199凝固/固态相变协同调控电弧增材-深冷成形铝合金相析出行为及强化机理,主持,在研。

2. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划(2023-JC-QN-0551)电弧增材制造高强Al-Cu合金等轴/柱状晶层状异构组织调控与断裂韧性研究,主持,在研。

3. 2023年老员工创新创业训练计划项目(2021030922),高强铝合金壳体电弧增材制造成形质量与变形控制研究。



[1] Y. Zhou, Z. Wang, X. Lin, Z. Jian, Y. Liu, Y. Ren, T. Zhang, W. Shao, X. Yang. Impact toughness and fractography of diverse microstructure in Al-Cu alloy fabricated by arc-directed energy deposition [J]. Additive Manufacturing, 2023, 63: 103414.IF:11.0

[2] Y. Zhou, X. Lin, N. Kang, Y. Tang, W. Huang, Z. Wang. The heterogeneous band microstructure and mechanical performance in a wire + arc additively manufactured 2219 Al alloy [J]. Additive Manufacturing, 2022, 49: 102486.IF:11.0

[3] Y. Zhou, X. Lin, Z Jian, S. Huang, Y. Ren, Y.Wu, X. Yang, W. Shao. Fracture toughness and microstructure damage behavior of thin Al-Cu alloy fabricated by wire-arc directed energy deposition [J]. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2023, 881: 145420.IF:6.4

[4] Y. Zhou, X. Lin, N. Kang, W. Huang, J. Wang, Z. Wang. Influence of travel speed on microstructure and mechanical properties of wire + arc additively manufactured 2219 aluminum alloy [J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2020, 37: 143-153.IF:10.9

[5] Y. Zhou, Y. Liu, X. Zhou, C. Liu, J. Yu, Y. Huang, H. Li, W. Li. Precipitation and hot deformation behavior of austenitic heat-resistant steels: A review [J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2017, 33(12): 1448-1456.IF:10.9

[6] Y. Zhou, X. Lin, N. Kang, Z. Wang, H. Tan, W. Huang. Hot deformation induced microstructural evolution in local-heterogeneous wire + arc additive manufactured 2219 Al alloy [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 865.IF:6.2

[7] Y. Zhou, X. Lin, N. Kang, W. Huang, Z. Wang. Mechanical properties and precipitation behavior of the heat-treated wire + arc additively manufactured 2219 aluminum alloy [J]. Materials Characterization, 2021, 171.IF:4.7

[8] Y. Zhou, Y. Li, Y. Liu, Q. Guo, C. Liu, L. Yu, C. Li, H. Li. Precipitation behavior of type 347H heat-resistant austenitic steel during long-term high-temperature aging [J]. Journal of Materials Research, 2015, 30(23): 3642-3652.IF:2.7

[9] Y. Zhou, Y. Liu, X. Zhou, C. Liu, L. Yu, C. Li, B. Ning. Processing maps and microstructural evolution of the type 347H austenitic heat-resistant stainless steel [J]. Journal of Materials Research, 2015, 30(13): 2090-2100.IF:2.7

[10] Y. Zhou, C.Liu, Y.Liu, Q.Guo, H.Li. Coarsening behavior of MX carbonitrides in type 347H heat-resistant austenitic steel during thermal aging [J]. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials, 2016, 23(3): 283-293.IF:4.8





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